Fresh-Squeezed Raw Tree Data

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ID Common Name(s) Genus Species Distinction Native Range Coordinates Conservation Status Visibility Public? Photo?
1 Pin Oak quercus palustris giant champ N. America 35.97625, -83.92242 Excellent Yes Yes
2 Dogwood cornus florida giant champ N. America 35.97622, -83.92159 Excellent No Yes
3 Crape Myrtle indica lagerstroemia champ S. E. Asia & Oceania 35.97643, -83.92188 Excellent No Yes
4 Bur Oak
Burr Oak, Mossycup Oak, Blue Oak, Scrub Oak
quercus macrocarpa champ N. America 35.9767, -83.92173 Excellent Yes Yes
5 Golden Rain Tree koelreuteria paniculata champ E. Asia 35.97485, -83.92114 Excellent Yes Yes
6 English Oak (Columnar) quercus robur 'fastigiata' champ Europe 35.97684, -83.92152 Excellent Yes Yes
7 Mimosa albizia julibrissin invasive E. Asia 35.97591, -83.92063 Stump No Yes
8 Chestnut Oak quercus montana champ N. America 35.97767, -83.92285 Excellent No Yes
9 Silver Maple acer saccharinum giant champ N. America 35.97715, -83.92164 Good No Yes
2434 Water Oak quercus nigra champ Tree Walk N. America 35.97681, -83.92089 Excellent Yes Yes
11 Paulownia
Princess Tree, Empress Tree
Paulownia tomentosa invasive China 35.9761, -83.92057 Stump No Yes
12 Willow Oak Quercus phellos silver Eastern / Central USA 35.97653, -83.92197 Excellent Yes Yes
13 Fraser Photinia
"Red Tip"
Photinia × fraseri champ Asia 35.98306, -83.92141 Excellent No Yes
2407 Hackberry Celtis occidentalis giant champ Tree Walk N. America 35.97797, -83.92172 Excellent No Yes
15 Yellowwood
Cladrastis kentukea giant champ Southeastern US 35.97664, -83.9205 Excellent No Yes
16 White Oak Quercus alba silver N. America 35.97771, -83.92277 Good No No
17 Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra silver N. America 35.97763, -83.92233 Excellent No Yes
2442 American Elm Ulmus americana champ Tree Walk N. America 35.97757, -83.92169 endangered Excellent Yes Yes
19 Sugar Maple Acer saccharum champ N. America 35.97809, -83.92107 Excellent No Yes
20 Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila invasive Central Asia, Eastern Siberia, Far Eastern Russia, Mongolia, Tibet, N. China, India (northern Kashmir) and Korea 35.98021, -83.92092 Excellent No Yes
21 Box Elder
Manitoba Maple, Ash-leaved Maple
Acer negundo champ N. America 35.9823, -83.92008 Fair No No
22 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora silver Southern USA 35.98294, -83.92109 Poor No No
23 White Oak Quercus alba silver E. United States 35.9759, -83.91974 Good No Yes
24 American Beech Fagus grandifolia champ E. United States 35.97566, -83.9196 Fair No Yes
25 Black Walnut Juglans nigra champ E. United States 35.97667, -83.92011 Fair No Yes
26 Sawtooth Oak Quercus acutissima champ E. Asia 35.982, -83.92031 Excellent Yes No
27 Saucer Magnolia Magnolia × soulangeana champ E. Asia 35.97679, -83.91983 Fair No No
28 Pumpkin Ash
Red Ash, Swell-butt Ash
Fraxinus profunda giant champ S. E. United States 35.97966, -83.92002 critically-endangered Excellent No Yes
29 Green Ash
Red Ash
Fraxinus pennsylvanica champ United States 35.97687, -83.92072 critically-endangered Excellent No Yes
30 Black Cherry Prunus serotina champ E. United States 35.9758, -83.92169 Good No Yes
2443 Chastetree
Vitex, Abraham's balm, Monk's pepper
Vitex agnus-castus champ Tree Walk Mediterranean 35.97593, -83.92001 Excellent Yes Yes
32 Kentucky Coffee Tree Gymnocladus dioicus champ Midwest / Upper South 35.97507582, -83.92171449 Vulnerable Excellent Yes No
33 Loblolly Pine Pinus taeda champ S. E. United States 35.9778, -83.92104 Fair No Yes
34 Willow Oak Quercus phellos champ Eastern / Central USA 35.986, -83.92111 Good No Yes
35 American Basswood Tilia americana champ Eastern / Northeastern USA 35.97855, -83.92138 Excellent No Yes
36 Tulip Poplar
American Tulip Tree, Tulipwood, Tuliptree, Whitewood, Fiddletree, and Yellow-poplar
Liriodendron tulipifera silver Eastern USA 35.9786, -83.92296 Excellent No Yes
37 White Mulberry Morus alba silver Central China 35.98331, -83.92095 Good No No
38 Northern Catalpa
Catawba, Cigar tree, Indian bean tree
Catalpa speciosa champ Central & Eastern USA 35.98093, -83.91996 Excellent+ No No
39 Tree of Heaven
Varnish tree
Ailanthus altissima invasive Northeast & Central China 35.97936, -83.91715 Excellent No Yes
40 Willow Oak Quercus phellos silver Eastern & Central USA 35.97897, -83.92243 Excellent No No
41 Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia champ Appalachians, but naturalized in many areas 35.97904, -83.92095 Good No Yes
2435 Pin Oak Quercus Palustris silver Tree Walk 35.97898, -83.9194 Excellent Yes Yes
43 Japanese Flowering Cherry Prunus serrulata champ Tree Walk Japan, China, Korea 35.97778, -83.92171 Excellent Yes Yes
2432 Overcup Oak Quercus lyrata champ Tree Walk Eastern / South-central USA 35.97914, -83.91923 Excellent Yes Yes
45 Callery Pear
Bradford Pear
Pyrus calleryana invasive East Asia 35.98078, -83.92201 Good No Yes
46 White Mulberry Morus alba giant champ Central China 35.97786, -83.92027 Good No Yes
47 White Poplar Betula pendula invasive Africa, temp. Asia, Europe 35.97965, -83.91926 Fair No Yes
48 American Holly Ilex opaca champ Eastern / South-central USA 35.97929, -83.92119 Good No Yes
49 American Sweet Gum
American Storax, Hazel Pine, Redgum, Star-leaved Gum, Bilsted, Satin-walnut, Alligatorwood
Liquidambar styraciflua giant champ Eastern North America & Sporadically in Mexico / Central America 35.97961, -83.92064 Fair No Yes
50 Chinese Fir Cunninghamia lanceolata champ South-central & Southeast China 35.97968, -83.922 Fair No No
51 Southern Magnolia Magnolia grandiflora champ Southeastern USA 35.97988, -83.92215 Good No Yes
52 Ginkgo
Gingko, Maidenhair tree
Ginkgo biloba giant champ China 35.98107, -83.91963 Endangered Good No Yes
53 Ginkgo
Gingko, Maidenhair tree
Ginkgo biloba silver China 35.98148, -83.91924 Endangered Good No No
54 Carolina Silverbell Halesia carolina champ Southeastern USA 35.97944, -83.92126 Excellent Yes Yes
55 Slippery Elm Ulmus rubra silver Eastern North America 35.98026, -83.92231 Excellent Yes No
56 White Pine Pinus strobus champ Eastern North America 35.98048, -83.9221 Excellent No No
57 Chinese Chestnut Castanea mollissima champ China/Taiwan/Korea 35.98084, -83.92192 Fair No Yes
58 Saucer Magnolia Magnolia × soulangeana silver China 35.98049, -83.92112 Good No Yes
59 Green Ash Fraxinus pennsylvanica silver United States 35.98065, -83.91993 critically-endangered Good No No
60 Weeping Cherry
Snow Fountain
Prunus x 'Snofozam' champ Japan 35.98125, -83.92082 Good No Yes
61 Kousa Dogwood
[Korean/Chinese] Dogwood
Cornus kousa champ E. Asia 35.98143, -83.91969 Good No Yes
62 River Birch
[Black / River / Water] Birch
Betula nigra champ Eastern USA 35.98143, -83.91944 Poor No No
63 Sycamore
Buttonwood, American Planetree, Western Plane
Platanus occidentalis champ Eastern / Central North America 35.98172, -83.92163 Stump No Yes
64 Eastern Hemlock
Tsuga canadensis champ Eastern North America 35.9817, -83.92074 near-threatened Good No Yes
65 Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum giant champ Southeastern USA 35.98247, -83.92237 Good No Yes
66 Post Oak
Iron Oak
Quercus stellata champ Eastern / Central North America 35.98247, -83.92122 Good No No
67 Post Oak
Iron Oak
Quercus stellata silver Eastern / Central North America 35.98245, -83.92183 Good No No
68 0 Prunus serotina silver E. United States 35.98217, -83.92061 Good No No
69 Hackberry Celtis occidentalis silver N. America 35.98129, -83.92107 Good No Yes
70 Osage Orange
[Horse / Hedge] Apple, Bodark
Maclura pomifera giant champ Widely naturalized 35.98245, -83.92216 Good No Yes
71 Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra champ N. America 35.98003, -83.92114 Excellent No Yes
72 Red Buckeye Aesculus pavia champ Southern / Eastern USA 35.98295, -83.91961 Excellent No Yes
73 Siberian Elm Ulmus pumila silver Central Asia, Eastern Siberia, Far Eastern Russia, Mongolia, Tibet, N. China, India (northern Kashmir) and Korea 35.98276, -83.91947 Stump No No
74 Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis champ Eastern N. America 35.9854, -83.91965 Excellent No Yes
75 Pecan Carya illinoinensis giant champ Northern Mexico & Southern USA 35.984, -83.91943 Fair No Yes
76 Norway Spruce Picea abies champ Northern, Central & Eastern Europe 35.97914, -83.92194 Fair No No
77 "Thundercloud" Cherry Plum
Myrobalan Plum, Purple Leaf Plum
Prunus cerasifera champ Southeast Europe, Western Asia 35.98316, -83.91954 Good No No
78 Red Mulberry Morus rubra champ Eastern / Central North America 35.97629, -83.92208 Excellent No No
79 Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum silver Southeastern USA 35.98276, -83.92092 Fair No Yes
80 Japanese Red Maple Acer palmatum champ Japan, Korea, China, Eastern Mongolia, and Southeast Russia 35.98183, -83.9207 Good No Yes
81 Red Maple
[Swamp / Water / Soft] Maple
Acer rubrum champ Eastern & Central North America 35.98545, -83.91966 Excellent No Yes
82 Variegated Privet Ligustrum sinense 'Variegatum' invasive China / Asia 35.97993, -83.91984 Excellent No Yes
83 Pecan Carya illinoinensis silver Northern Mexico & Southern USA 35.98284, -83.91945 Excellent No Yes
84 American Basswood Tilia americana silver Eastern / Northeastern USA 35.97861, -83.92248 Excellent No No
85 White Oak Quercus alba champ E. United States 35.97834, -83.92048 Excellent No No
86 Tulip Poplar
American Tulip Tree, Tulipwood, Tuliptree, Whitewood, Fiddletree, and Yellow-poplar
Liriodendron tulipifera giant champ Eastern USA 35.97558, -83.91971 Excellent No No
87 Sawtooth Oak Quercus acutissima silver E. Asia 35.97678, -83.91969 Excellent Yes Yes
88 Tulip Poplar
American Tulip Tree, Tulipwood, Tuliptree, Whitewood, Fiddletree, and Yellow-poplar
Liriodendron tulipifera silver E. United States 35.98202, -83.92088 Excellent No Yes
89 Yellow Buckeye
Common Buckeye
Aesculus flava champ Ohio valley and southern Appalachian region 35.984481, -83.921917 Excellent No No
90 Callery Pear
Bradford Pear
Pyrus calleryana invasive East Asia 35.97970079, -83.91984216 Excellent No Yes
2444 Black Gum
Black Tupelo
Nyssa sylvatica champ Tree Walk Eastern N. America 35.97679145, -83.92070771 Excellent Yes Yes
2400 Trident Maple
Three-toothed maple, Chinese Maple
Acer buergerianum champ Tree Walk Eastern China 35.97791833, -83.91920598 Excellent Yes Yes
2436 Chestnut Oak
Rock Oak
Quercus montana silver Tree Walk N. America 35.97671603, -83.92081429 Excellent Yes Yes
2401 Box Elder
Boxelder maple
Acer negundo silver Tree Walk N. America 35.97737922, -83.91925617 Excellent Yes Yes
2412 Yellowwood Cladrastis kentukea Tree Walk Southeastern US 35.9789153, -83.91983959 Excellent Yes Yes
2403 Silver Maple Acer saccharinum Tree Walk N. America 35.97879157, -83.91979332 Excellent Yes Yes
2406 Catalpa Catalpa speciosa Tree Walk Midwestern US 35.97884801, -83.91964982 Excellent Yes Yes
2430 Black Cherry Prunus serotina Tree Walk N. America 35.9788925, -83.91969341 Excellent Yes Yes
2445 Serviceberry
Downy serviceberry, Juneberry, Shadblow, Shadbush, Sugarplum
Amelanchier arborea Tree Walk Eastern North America 35.97920994, -83.9193018 Excellent Yes Yes
2419 Gingko
Maidenhair tree
Ginkgo biloba Tree Walk China 35.97916382, -83.91908253 Endangered Excellent Yes Yes
2420 Kentucky Coffee Tree Gymnocladus dioicus Tree Walk 35.97908568, -83.9190879 Vulnerable Excellent Yes Yes
102 Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera Tree Walk 35.97902111, -83.91909393 Excellent Yes Yes
2415 Green Hawthorn Crataegus viridis Tree Walk 35.97836035, -83.91925099 Excellent Yes Yes
2404 Sugar Maple Acer saccharum Tree Walk N. America 35.97821655, -83.91929458 Excellent Yes Yes
2431 Sawtooth Oak Quercus acutissima Tree Walk E. Asia 35.97801849, -83.9191893 Excellent Yes Yes
2437 Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia Tree Walk Southern Appalachians 35.97743218, -83.91921219 Excellent Yes Yes
2424 Tulip Poplar Liriodendron tulipifera Tree Walk 35.97725014, -83.9192745 Excellent Yes Yes
2423 Sweetbay Magnolia
Swampbay, Swamp magnolia, White bay, Beaver tree
Magnolia virginiana Tree Walk Atlantic Coastal Plains 35.97695314, -83.9192431 Excellent Yes Yes
2410 Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis Tree Walk N. America 35.97713184, -83.91925908 Excellent Yes Yes
2408 Hackberry Celtis occidentalis Tree Walk 35.97914434, -83.91942143 Excellent Yes Yes
2433 Water Oak Quercus nigra Tree Walk 35.97699453, -83.91936553 Excellent Yes Yes
2416 Green Hawthorn Crataegus viridis Tree Walk 35.97675941, -83.91932357 Excellent Yes Yes
2440 Bald Cypress Taxodium distichum Tree Walk 35.97878708, -83.91990777 Excellent Yes Yes
2427 Apple Malus domestica Tree Walk Central Asia 35.97744247, -83.92137627 Excellent Yes Yes
2426 Apple Malus domestica Tree Walk Central Asia 35.97638917, -83.92048393 Excellent Yes Yes
2414 Smoke Tree Cotinus coggygria Tree Walk 35.97665073, -83.92056842 Excellent Yes Yes
2402 Japanese Maple Acer palmatum Tree Walk Japan / E. Asia 35.97714671, -83.92124701 Excellent Yes Yes
2425 Cucumber Tree
Cucumber magnolia
Magnolia acuminata Tree Walk E. USA and Appalachians 35.97643402, -83.92052375 Excellent Yes Yes
2418 Leyland Cypress Cupressus × leylandii Tree Walk Landscape 35.97669341, -83.9206069 Excellent Yes Yes
2422 Crepe Myrtle Lagerstroemia indica Tree Walk S. E. Asia 35.97854368, -83.92187039 Excellent Yes Yes
2441 Eastern Hemlock Tsuga canadensis Tree Walk Eastern N. America 35.97910639, -83.92227674 near-threatened Excellent Yes Yes
2405 Red Buckeye Aesculus pavia Tree Walk 35.97919973, -83.92227272 Excellent Yes Yes
2413 Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida Tree Walk Eastern N. America 35.97932572, -83.92084505 Excellent Yes Yes
2429 Peach
Patio Peach
Prunus persica 'Bonfire' Tree Walk 35.97938815, -83.92208855 Excellent Yes Yes
2448 Butternut
White Walnut
Juglans cinerea Tree Walk Eastern N. America 35.97832895, -83.91940594 Endangered Excellent Yes Yes
2421 Carolina Silverbell Halesia carolina Tree Walk Southeastern USA 35.97942704, -83.92093756 Excellent Yes Yes
2447 Lacebark Elm
Bosque elm, Chinese elm
Ulmus parvifolia 'UPMTF' Tree Walk Eastern Asia 35.97838793, -83.91937765 Excellent Yes Yes
2446 Southern Crabapple Malus angustifolia Tree Walk Southeastern USA 35.97930784, -83.92237526 Excellent Yes Yes
129 Callery Pear
Bradford Pear
Pyrus calleryana invasive East Asia 35.9785437197620, -83.9188131728292 Good Yes Yes
130 Callery Pear
Bradford Pear
Pyrus calleryana invasive East Asia 35.9778559275519, -83.9188719402884 Good Yes Yes
131 Callery Pear
Bradford Pear
Pyrus calleryana invasive East Asia 35.9794046398788, -83.9190923877953 Good Yes Yes
132 Callery Pear
Bradford Pear
Pyrus calleryana invasive East Asia 35.9772177952082, -83.9210760793218 Good No Yes
133 Callery Pear
Bradford Pear
Pyrus calleryana invasive East Asia 35.9778890440272, -83.9199683270111 Good Yes Yes
134 Callery Pear
Bradford Pear
Pyrus calleryana invasive East Asia 35.9775742141043, -83.9194290385198 Good No Yes
135 Callery Pear
Bradford Pear
Pyrus calleryana invasive East Asia 35.9774901044898, -83.9193230912705 Good Yes Yes
2439 Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia Tree Walk Southern Appalachians 35.97689364, -83.91924425 Excellent Yes Yes
2411 Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis 'Forest Pansy' Tree Walk Eastern N. America 35.97881555, -83.91948855 Excellent No No
136 Rosebud Cherry
Higan Cherry, Autumnalis Rosea
Prunus × subhirtella champ Japan 35.9813845, -83.9220968 Excellent Yes Yes
2438 Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia Tree Walk Appalachia 35.977169, -83.919354 Excellent Yes No