Fresh-Squeezed Raw Tree Data
In the name of simplicity, this table of data will serve as your method of searching. Use your browser's native search tools (CTRL+F, usually), or you may click on some column headings to sort. If you require something more sophisticated, you can make checks payable to "CASH" and leave them at 1014 Eleanor Street.
ID | Common Name(s) | Genus | Species | Distinction | Native Range | Coordinates | Conservation Status | Visibility | Public? | Photo? |
1 | Pin Oak | quercus | palustris | giant champ | N. America | 35.97625, -83.92242 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2 | Dogwood | cornus | florida | giant champ | N. America | 35.97622, -83.92159 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
3 | Crape Myrtle | indica | lagerstroemia | champ | S. E. Asia & Oceania | 35.97643, -83.92188 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
4 | Bur Oak
Burr Oak, Mossycup Oak, Blue Oak, Scrub Oak |
quercus | macrocarpa | champ | N. America | 35.9767, -83.92173 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
5 | Golden Rain Tree | koelreuteria | paniculata | champ | E. Asia | 35.97485, -83.92114 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
6 | English Oak (Columnar) | quercus | robur 'fastigiata' | champ | Europe | 35.97684, -83.92152 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
7 | Mimosa | albizia | julibrissin | invasive | E. Asia | 35.97591, -83.92063 | Stump | No | Yes | |
8 | Chestnut Oak | quercus | montana | champ | N. America | 35.97767, -83.92285 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
9 | Silver Maple | acer | saccharinum | giant champ | N. America | 35.97715, -83.92164 | Good | No | Yes | |
2434 | Water Oak | quercus | nigra | champ Tree Walk | N. America | 35.97681, -83.92089 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
11 | Paulownia
Princess Tree, Empress Tree |
Paulownia | tomentosa | invasive | China | 35.9761, -83.92057 | Stump | No | Yes | |
12 | Willow Oak | Quercus | phellos | silver | Eastern / Central USA | 35.97653, -83.92197 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
13 | Fraser Photinia
"Red Tip" |
Photinia | × fraseri | champ | Asia | 35.98306, -83.92141 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
2407 | Hackberry | Celtis | occidentalis | giant champ Tree Walk | N. America | 35.97797, -83.92172 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
15 | Yellowwood
Virgilia |
Cladrastis | kentukea | giant champ | Southeastern US | 35.97664, -83.9205 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
16 | White Oak | Quercus | alba | silver | N. America | 35.97771, -83.92277 | Good | No | No | |
17 | Northern Red Oak | Quercus | rubra | silver | N. America | 35.97763, -83.92233 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
2442 | American Elm | Ulmus | americana | champ Tree Walk | N. America | 35.97757, -83.92169 | endangered | Excellent | Yes | Yes |
19 | Sugar Maple | Acer | saccharum | champ | N. America | 35.97809, -83.92107 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
20 | Siberian Elm | Ulmus | pumila | invasive | Central Asia, Eastern Siberia, Far Eastern Russia, Mongolia, Tibet, N. China, India (northern Kashmir) and Korea | 35.98021, -83.92092 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
21 | Box Elder
Manitoba Maple, Ash-leaved Maple |
Acer | negundo | champ | N. America | 35.9823, -83.92008 | Fair | No | No | |
22 | Southern Magnolia | Magnolia | grandiflora | silver | Southern USA | 35.98294, -83.92109 | Poor | No | No | |
23 | White Oak | Quercus | alba | silver | E. United States | 35.9759, -83.91974 | Good | No | Yes | |
24 | American Beech | Fagus | grandifolia | champ | E. United States | 35.97566, -83.9196 | Fair | No | Yes | |
25 | Black Walnut | Juglans | nigra | champ | E. United States | 35.97667, -83.92011 | Fair | No | Yes | |
26 | Sawtooth Oak | Quercus | acutissima | champ | E. Asia | 35.982, -83.92031 | Excellent | Yes | No | |
27 | Saucer Magnolia | Magnolia | × soulangeana | champ | E. Asia | 35.97679, -83.91983 | Fair | No | No | |
28 | Pumpkin Ash
Red Ash, Swell-butt Ash |
Fraxinus | profunda | giant champ | S. E. United States | 35.97966, -83.92002 | critically-endangered | Excellent | No | Yes |
29 | Green Ash
Red Ash |
Fraxinus | pennsylvanica | champ | United States | 35.97687, -83.92072 | critically-endangered | Excellent | No | Yes |
30 | Black Cherry | Prunus | serotina | champ | E. United States | 35.9758, -83.92169 | Good | No | Yes | |
2443 | Chastetree
Vitex, Abraham's balm, Monk's pepper |
Vitex | agnus-castus | champ Tree Walk | Mediterranean | 35.97593, -83.92001 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
32 | Kentucky Coffee Tree | Gymnocladus | dioicus | champ | Midwest / Upper South | 35.97507582, -83.92171449 | Vulnerable | Excellent | Yes | No |
33 | Loblolly Pine | Pinus | taeda | champ | S. E. United States | 35.9778, -83.92104 | Fair | No | Yes | |
34 | Willow Oak | Quercus | phellos | champ | Eastern / Central USA | 35.986, -83.92111 | Good | No | Yes | |
35 | American Basswood | Tilia | americana | champ | Eastern / Northeastern USA | 35.97855, -83.92138 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
36 | Tulip Poplar
American Tulip Tree, Tulipwood, Tuliptree, Whitewood, Fiddletree, and Yellow-poplar |
Liriodendron | tulipifera | silver | Eastern USA | 35.9786, -83.92296 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
37 | White Mulberry | Morus | alba | silver | Central China | 35.98331, -83.92095 | Good | No | No | |
38 | Northern Catalpa
Catawba, Cigar tree, Indian bean tree |
Catalpa | speciosa | champ | Central & Eastern USA | 35.98093, -83.91996 | Excellent+ | No | No | |
39 | Tree of Heaven
Varnish tree |
Ailanthus | altissima | invasive | Northeast & Central China | 35.97936, -83.91715 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
40 | Willow Oak | Quercus | phellos | silver | Eastern & Central USA | 35.97897, -83.92243 | Excellent | No | No | |
41 | Black Locust | Robinia | pseudoacacia | champ | Appalachians, but naturalized in many areas | 35.97904, -83.92095 | Good | No | Yes | |
2435 | Pin Oak | Quercus | Palustris | silver Tree Walk | 35.97898, -83.9194 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
43 | Japanese Flowering Cherry | Prunus | serrulata | champ Tree Walk | Japan, China, Korea | 35.97778, -83.92171 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2432 | Overcup Oak | Quercus | lyrata | champ Tree Walk | Eastern / South-central USA | 35.97914, -83.91923 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
45 | Callery Pear
Bradford Pear |
Pyrus | calleryana | invasive | East Asia | 35.98078, -83.92201 | Good | No | Yes | |
46 | White Mulberry | Morus | alba | giant champ | Central China | 35.97786, -83.92027 | Good | No | Yes | |
47 | White Poplar | Betula | pendula | invasive | Africa, temp. Asia, Europe | 35.97965, -83.91926 | Fair | No | Yes | |
48 | American Holly | Ilex | opaca | champ | Eastern / South-central USA | 35.97929, -83.92119 | Good | No | Yes | |
49 | American Sweet Gum
American Storax, Hazel Pine, Redgum, Star-leaved Gum, Bilsted, Satin-walnut, Alligatorwood |
Liquidambar | styraciflua | giant champ | Eastern North America & Sporadically in Mexico / Central America | 35.97961, -83.92064 | Fair | No | Yes | |
50 | Chinese Fir | Cunninghamia | lanceolata | champ | South-central & Southeast China | 35.97968, -83.922 | Fair | No | No | |
51 | Southern Magnolia | Magnolia | grandiflora | champ | Southeastern USA | 35.97988, -83.92215 | Good | No | Yes | |
52 | Ginkgo
Gingko, Maidenhair tree |
Ginkgo | biloba | giant champ | China | 35.98107, -83.91963 | Endangered | Good | No | Yes |
53 | Ginkgo
Gingko, Maidenhair tree |
Ginkgo | biloba | silver | China | 35.98148, -83.91924 | Endangered | Good | No | No |
54 | Carolina Silverbell | Halesia | carolina | champ | Southeastern USA | 35.97944, -83.92126 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
55 | Slippery Elm | Ulmus | rubra | silver | Eastern North America | 35.98026, -83.92231 | Excellent | Yes | No | |
56 | White Pine | Pinus | strobus | champ | Eastern North America | 35.98048, -83.9221 | Excellent | No | No | |
57 | Chinese Chestnut | Castanea | mollissima | champ | China/Taiwan/Korea | 35.98084, -83.92192 | Fair | No | Yes | |
58 | Saucer Magnolia | Magnolia × soulangeana | silver | China | 35.98049, -83.92112 | Good | No | Yes | ||
59 | Green Ash | Fraxinus | pennsylvanica | silver | United States | 35.98065, -83.91993 | critically-endangered | Good | No | No |
60 | Weeping Cherry
Snow Fountain |
Prunus | x 'Snofozam' | champ | Japan | 35.98125, -83.92082 | Good | No | Yes | |
61 | Kousa Dogwood
[Korean/Chinese] Dogwood |
Cornus | kousa | champ | E. Asia | 35.98143, -83.91969 | Good | No | Yes | |
62 | River Birch
[Black / River / Water] Birch |
Betula | nigra | champ | Eastern USA | 35.98143, -83.91944 | Poor | No | No | |
63 | Sycamore
Buttonwood, American Planetree, Western Plane |
Platanus | occidentalis | champ | Eastern / Central North America | 35.98172, -83.92163 | Stump | No | Yes | |
64 | Eastern Hemlock
Hemlock-spruce |
Tsuga | canadensis | champ | Eastern North America | 35.9817, -83.92074 | near-threatened | Good | No | Yes |
65 | Bald Cypress | Taxodium | distichum | giant champ | Southeastern USA | 35.98247, -83.92237 | Good | No | Yes | |
66 | Post Oak
Iron Oak |
Quercus | stellata | champ | Eastern / Central North America | 35.98247, -83.92122 | Good | No | No | |
67 | Post Oak
Iron Oak |
Quercus | stellata | silver | Eastern / Central North America | 35.98245, -83.92183 | Good | No | No | |
68 | 0 | Prunus | serotina | silver | E. United States | 35.98217, -83.92061 | Good | No | No | |
69 | Hackberry | Celtis | occidentalis | silver | N. America | 35.98129, -83.92107 | Good | No | Yes | |
70 | Osage Orange
[Horse / Hedge] Apple, Bodark |
Maclura | pomifera | giant champ | Widely naturalized | 35.98245, -83.92216 | Good | No | Yes | |
71 | Northern Red Oak | Quercus | rubra | champ | N. America | 35.98003, -83.92114 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
72 | Red Buckeye | Aesculus | pavia | champ | Southern / Eastern USA | 35.98295, -83.91961 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
73 | Siberian Elm | Ulmus | pumila | silver | Central Asia, Eastern Siberia, Far Eastern Russia, Mongolia, Tibet, N. China, India (northern Kashmir) and Korea | 35.98276, -83.91947 | Stump | No | No | |
74 | Eastern Redbud | Cercis | canadensis | champ | Eastern N. America | 35.9854, -83.91965 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
75 | Pecan | Carya | illinoinensis | giant champ | Northern Mexico & Southern USA | 35.984, -83.91943 | Fair | No | Yes | |
76 | Norway Spruce | Picea | abies | champ | Northern, Central & Eastern Europe | 35.97914, -83.92194 | Fair | No | No | |
77 | "Thundercloud" Cherry Plum
Myrobalan Plum, Purple Leaf Plum |
Prunus | cerasifera | champ | Southeast Europe, Western Asia | 35.98316, -83.91954 | Good | No | No | |
78 | Red Mulberry | Morus | rubra | champ | Eastern / Central North America | 35.97629, -83.92208 | Excellent | No | No | |
79 | Bald Cypress | Taxodium | distichum | silver | Southeastern USA | 35.98276, -83.92092 | Fair | No | Yes | |
80 | Japanese Red Maple | Acer | palmatum | champ | Japan, Korea, China, Eastern Mongolia, and Southeast Russia | 35.98183, -83.9207 | Good | No | Yes | |
81 | Red Maple
[Swamp / Water / Soft] Maple |
Acer | rubrum | champ | Eastern & Central North America | 35.98545, -83.91966 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
82 | Variegated Privet | Ligustrum | sinense 'Variegatum' | invasive | China / Asia | 35.97993, -83.91984 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
83 | Pecan | Carya | illinoinensis | silver | Northern Mexico & Southern USA | 35.98284, -83.91945 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
84 | American Basswood | Tilia | americana | silver | Eastern / Northeastern USA | 35.97861, -83.92248 | Excellent | No | No | |
85 | White Oak | Quercus | alba | champ | E. United States | 35.97834, -83.92048 | Excellent | No | No | |
86 | Tulip Poplar
American Tulip Tree, Tulipwood, Tuliptree, Whitewood, Fiddletree, and Yellow-poplar |
Liriodendron | tulipifera | giant champ | Eastern USA | 35.97558, -83.91971 | Excellent | No | No | |
87 | Sawtooth Oak | Quercus | acutissima | silver | E. Asia | 35.97678, -83.91969 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
88 | Tulip Poplar
American Tulip Tree, Tulipwood, Tuliptree, Whitewood, Fiddletree, and Yellow-poplar |
Liriodendron | tulipifera | silver | E. United States | 35.98202, -83.92088 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
89 | Yellow Buckeye
Common Buckeye |
Aesculus | flava | champ | Ohio valley and southern Appalachian region | 35.984481, -83.921917 | Excellent | No | No | |
90 | Callery Pear
Bradford Pear |
Pyrus | calleryana | invasive | East Asia | 35.97970079, -83.91984216 | Excellent | No | Yes | |
2444 | Black Gum
Black Tupelo |
Nyssa | sylvatica | champ Tree Walk | Eastern N. America | 35.97679145, -83.92070771 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2400 | Trident Maple
Three-toothed maple, Chinese Maple |
Acer | buergerianum | champ Tree Walk | Eastern China | 35.97791833, -83.91920598 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2436 | Chestnut Oak
Rock Oak |
Quercus | montana | silver Tree Walk | N. America | 35.97671603, -83.92081429 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2401 | Box Elder
Boxelder maple |
Acer | negundo | silver Tree Walk | N. America | 35.97737922, -83.91925617 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2412 | Yellowwood | Cladrastis | kentukea | Tree Walk | Southeastern US | 35.9789153, -83.91983959 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2403 | Silver Maple | Acer | saccharinum | Tree Walk | N. America | 35.97879157, -83.91979332 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2406 | Catalpa | Catalpa | speciosa | Tree Walk | Midwestern US | 35.97884801, -83.91964982 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2430 | Black Cherry | Prunus | serotina | Tree Walk | N. America | 35.9788925, -83.91969341 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2445 | Serviceberry
Downy serviceberry, Juneberry, Shadblow, Shadbush, Sugarplum |
Amelanchier | arborea | Tree Walk | Eastern North America | 35.97920994, -83.9193018 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2419 | Gingko
Maidenhair tree |
Ginkgo | biloba | Tree Walk | China | 35.97916382, -83.91908253 | Endangered | Excellent | Yes | Yes |
2420 | Kentucky Coffee Tree | Gymnocladus | dioicus | Tree Walk | 35.97908568, -83.9190879 | Vulnerable | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
102 | Tulip Poplar | Liriodendron | tulipifera | Tree Walk | 35.97902111, -83.91909393 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
2415 | Green Hawthorn | Crataegus | viridis | Tree Walk | 35.97836035, -83.91925099 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
2404 | Sugar Maple | Acer | saccharum | Tree Walk | N. America | 35.97821655, -83.91929458 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2431 | Sawtooth Oak | Quercus | acutissima | Tree Walk | E. Asia | 35.97801849, -83.9191893 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2437 | Black Locust | Robinia | pseudoacacia | Tree Walk | Southern Appalachians | 35.97743218, -83.91921219 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2424 | Tulip Poplar | Liriodendron | tulipifera | Tree Walk | 35.97725014, -83.9192745 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
2423 | Sweetbay Magnolia
Swampbay, Swamp magnolia, White bay, Beaver tree |
Magnolia | virginiana | Tree Walk | Atlantic Coastal Plains | 35.97695314, -83.9192431 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2410 | Eastern Redbud | Cercis | canadensis | Tree Walk | N. America | 35.97713184, -83.91925908 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2408 | Hackberry | Celtis | occidentalis | Tree Walk | 35.97914434, -83.91942143 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
2433 | Water Oak | Quercus | nigra | Tree Walk | 35.97699453, -83.91936553 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
2416 | Green Hawthorn | Crataegus | viridis | Tree Walk | 35.97675941, -83.91932357 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
2440 | Bald Cypress | Taxodium | distichum | Tree Walk | 35.97878708, -83.91990777 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
2427 | Apple | Malus | domestica | Tree Walk | Central Asia | 35.97744247, -83.92137627 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2426 | Apple | Malus | domestica | Tree Walk | Central Asia | 35.97638917, -83.92048393 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2414 | Smoke Tree | Cotinus | coggygria | Tree Walk | 35.97665073, -83.92056842 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
2402 | Japanese Maple | Acer | palmatum | Tree Walk | Japan / E. Asia | 35.97714671, -83.92124701 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2425 | Cucumber Tree
Cucumber magnolia |
Magnolia | acuminata | Tree Walk | E. USA and Appalachians | 35.97643402, -83.92052375 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2418 | Leyland Cypress | Cupressus | × leylandii | Tree Walk | Landscape | 35.97669341, -83.9206069 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2422 | Crepe Myrtle | Lagerstroemia | indica | Tree Walk | S. E. Asia | 35.97854368, -83.92187039 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2441 | Eastern Hemlock | Tsuga | canadensis | Tree Walk | Eastern N. America | 35.97910639, -83.92227674 | near-threatened | Excellent | Yes | Yes |
2405 | Red Buckeye | Aesculus | pavia | Tree Walk | 35.97919973, -83.92227272 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
2413 | Flowering Dogwood | Cornus | florida | Tree Walk | Eastern N. America | 35.97932572, -83.92084505 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2429 | Peach
Patio Peach |
Prunus | persica 'Bonfire' | Tree Walk | 35.97938815, -83.92208855 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | ||
2448 | Butternut
White Walnut |
Juglans | cinerea | Tree Walk | Eastern N. America | 35.97832895, -83.91940594 | Endangered | Excellent | Yes | Yes |
2421 | Carolina Silverbell | Halesia | carolina | Tree Walk | Southeastern USA | 35.97942704, -83.92093756 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2447 | Lacebark Elm
Bosque elm, Chinese elm |
Ulmus | parvifolia 'UPMTF' | Tree Walk | Eastern Asia | 35.97838793, -83.91937765 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2446 | Southern Crabapple | Malus | angustifolia | Tree Walk | Southeastern USA | 35.97930784, -83.92237526 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
129 | Callery Pear
Bradford Pear |
Pyrus | calleryana | invasive | East Asia | 35.9785437197620, -83.9188131728292 | Good | Yes | Yes | |
130 | Callery Pear
Bradford Pear |
Pyrus | calleryana | invasive | East Asia | 35.9778559275519, -83.9188719402884 | Good | Yes | Yes | |
131 | Callery Pear
Bradford Pear |
Pyrus | calleryana | invasive | East Asia | 35.9794046398788, -83.9190923877953 | Good | Yes | Yes | |
132 | Callery Pear
Bradford Pear |
Pyrus | calleryana | invasive | East Asia | 35.9772177952082, -83.9210760793218 | Good | No | Yes | |
133 | Callery Pear
Bradford Pear |
Pyrus | calleryana | invasive | East Asia | 35.9778890440272, -83.9199683270111 | Good | Yes | Yes | |
134 | Callery Pear
Bradford Pear |
Pyrus | calleryana | invasive | East Asia | 35.9775742141043, -83.9194290385198 | Good | No | Yes | |
135 | Callery Pear
Bradford Pear |
Pyrus | calleryana | invasive | East Asia | 35.9774901044898, -83.9193230912705 | Good | Yes | Yes | |
2439 | Black Locust | Robinia | pseudoacacia | Tree Walk | Southern Appalachians | 35.97689364, -83.91924425 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2411 | Eastern Redbud | Cercis | canadensis 'Forest Pansy' | Tree Walk | Eastern N. America | 35.97881555, -83.91948855 | Excellent | No | No | |
136 | Rosebud Cherry
Higan Cherry, Autumnalis Rosea |
Prunus | × subhirtella | champ | Japan | 35.9813845, -83.9220968 | Excellent | Yes | Yes | |
2438 | Black Locust | Robinia | pseudoacacia | Tree Walk | Appalachia | 35.977169, -83.919354 | Excellent | Yes | No |